Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The path toward craftmanship

Recently, I read Andy Hunt's Refactor Your Thinking, one of the best non technical books I've read in the recent months. The book emphasize Dreyfus's learning model. The root of this model backs on 1970's. Hubert and Stuart Dreyfus began doing researches on how people attain and master skills. According to this model, a person when attaining a skill will go through five different stages: Novice, Advanced Beginners, Competent, Proficient and finally Expert. The model is a skill-based model, It emphasize on the learning process of a person for each skill versus the learning process of a person totally. This model has a great impact on agile methodologies. It was interesting for me, according to model, most of the people in their life are in novices and advanced beginners stages. They would not be expert at all.
They will not be watchful in what they will learn. They only try to solve a problem which occurred for them for the sake of solving, not learning. This is the problem. For being a craftsman or an expert, we must go through these stages, one by one, step by step.
All is this, this model describes the path which a novice must go to become a journeyman and then, undergo finally toward craftsmanship. I delighted a lot with reading this book and acquainting that the Dreyfus model is existed. Read It, You'll get benefits of it in long-term.

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